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Huntsville Chamber of Commerce Canoe Trips Description

This trip is all inclusive, meaning that everything else will be supplied including all food, camping equipment, tents, cooking gear, canoes and guides/instructors. A high quality waterproof canoe backpack and air mattress will be supplied for your use during the trip so no need for participants to bring backpacks.

This trip is ideal for those with little or no canoe experience and more experienced paddlers since all of our trips are led by Paddle Canada certified guides / canoe instructors who will teach you the necessary skills to make your canoe go where you want, in a straight line, fast and effortlessly. In fact you will have the opportunity to obtain a Paddle Canada Basic Canoe certification on this trip. The participants will have learned valuable camping, wilderness tripping and paddling skills on this trip and will feel very competent in a canoe by the end of the trip.

Anyone in reasonable physical condition will find this trip enjoyable. Each group size is limited to 8 participants and a guide.

Algonquin Provincial Park is the oldest provincial park in Ontario and one of the largest parks in Canada. It encompasses 8,000 square kilometers (3,500 square miles), and is located on the southern edge of the Canadian Shield between Georgian Bay and the Ottawa River.

There are over 1600 kilometers of canoe routes within the park boundaries which provides numerous possibilities for an unforgettable wilderness experience.

Algonquin Park is home to an amazing diversity of life. Along with Algonquin’s diversity in habitats comes an associated diversity in plant and animal life. 45 species of mammals, 262 species of birds, 30 species of reptiles and amphibians, 50 species of fish, and approximately 7000 species of insects are known to occur within Algonquin’s boundaries! In addition, there are well over 1000 species of plants and another 1000 plus species of fungi growing in the Park!

Commonly sighted birds and animals include; loons, ravens, gray jay, grouse, moose, porcupine, raccoon, beaver, hare, deer, turtle, mink, otter, chipmunk, and if you are lucky enough to see one, a timber wolf (23 known wolf packs live within the park) or black bear who have an estimated population is over 2000. But don’t worry, sighting of these wolves and bears are very rare (they really do tend to shy away from humans) although we do hear the wolf packs howling at night from time to time.

Algonquin Park is covered by both deciduous and coniferous forest. Some of the More common deciduous trees found in the park include sugar maple, yellow birch, and beech trees; the northern coniferous forest includes pine, spruce and balsam fir trees.

Typical 3 Day Itinerary

 Day 1 (L/D)

You would need to meet us meet at Algonquin Park in the town of Kearney just north of Huntsville off of Hwy 11 at 9:00 am the first morning of the trip.

The group will be in the water and on their way to the 1st wilderness campsite 3 lakes into the interior arriving at a site to camp by around 3:30 to 4 pm. We will then set up camp, where you can relax, swim, fish, explore and prepare for a good dinner and campfire.

Day 2 (B/L/D)

We will either paddle 2 lakes further into the interior and hike a trail to a wilderness water fall for lunch and wildlife viewing (we often see moose in this area) or portage north into another wilderness lake and paddle through a wilderness marsh area where again we have often seen moose, then paddle back to camp taking time to explore the new lakes we are traveling through and arrive back at camp by around 3 pm to relax, and enjoy the surrounding wilderness area. After a great dinner we will enjoy a camp fire until its time to retire to our 2 person tents for a good nights sleep.

Day 3 (B/L/)

On day 3 the morning is usually slow and relaxed, allowing people to sleep in a little or enjoy the morning while we prepare a pancake and maple syrup breakfast. We usually pack up the camp and take a slow leisurely paddle back 3 lakes to our put-in point, around 3 pm for the drive back to Toronto, arriving around 7 pm.

B=Breakfast L=Lunch D=Dinner

Snacks such as granola bars or trail mix will also be supplied throughout the day as we travel.

6 Day Algonquin Canoe Itinerary

Day 1 (L/D)

You would need to meet us meet at Algonquin Park in the town of Kearney just north of Huntsville off of Hwy 11 at 9:00 am the first morning of the trip.

The group will be in the water and on their way to the 1st wilderness campsite 3 lakes into the interior just after lunch.

Day 2 (B/L/D)

We will paddle a wilderness river and wet lands where we often see moose and beaver and other wildlife. This will be an all day paddle and we return to our camp in the afternoon for a swim, great dinner and campfire.

Day 3

Packing up camp and heading north we will move another 2 lakes into the interior and camp for 2 nights on another beautiful wilderness lake .

Day 4 (B/L/D)

From our camp we have the options of doing a day trip to a wilderness waterfall and paddling a lake deeper into the interior where moose sightings are not uncommon. This route usually affords the group with sightings of moose, deer, otter and beaver sightings as well as many different species of birds.

Day 5 (B/L/D)

After breakfast we pack up camp and move eastward to another wilderness lake where we will camp for our last night in the Algonquin Interior.

Day 6 (B/L)

After a relaxed pancake and maple syrup breakfast, the group will pack up and head east through 2 more wilderness lakes to arrive at our take out at out starting point and take out around 3 pm

B=Breakfast L=Lunch D=Dinner

Snacks such as granola bars or trail mix will also be supplied throughout the day as we travel.

More Information can be found at: https://wildernessadventures.ca/algonquin-park-canoe-adventures-trips-ontario-canada


Address: Algonquin Park
Phone: 866-383-9453
Website: https://wildernessadventures.ca/algonquin-park-canoe-adventures-trips-ontario-canada
Email: [email protected]

Wilderness Adventures.ca
Algonquin Park

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