Family Friendly
Latest Past Events
Muskoka Maple Festival
Downtown Huntsville 37 Main Street East, HuntsvilleThe Muskoka Maple Festival is a family-friendly event on Main Street in downtown Huntsville, Muskoka. The festival begins with the “Muskoka Maple Trail” happening throughout March and April. This is a seven week-long Maple Harvest compilation of featured maple locations including, sugar shack tours, maple-inspired cuisine, beverages, products, and much more! The grand finale of […]
Easter Egg Hunt
Muskoka Heritage Place 88 Brunel Road, HuntsvilleMUSKOKA HERITAGE PLACE AND THE NUTTY CHOCOLATIER ANNUAL COMMUNITY EASTER EGG HUNT Children embark upon a chocolate treasure hunt and search for the golden eggs to win prizes! Date & Time: Sunday April 21st, 2018 from 12:00 pm until 1:00 pm. Gate opens at 12:00 noon sharp and children are split into various age groups, even […]
Etwell Concert Series – Angel Forrest
2012 Etwell Road 2012 Etwell Road, HuntsvilleWell known in the Canadian blues scene, Angel has been performed at major festivals in Canada and Europe.