Huntsville Producers
Sugarbush Hill Maple Farm
Hosted by Tom Stehr, Eva Chalk, Family and Friends
Sugarbush Hill Maple Farm is a “State-Of-The-Art” maple sugaring operation located 10 minutes south of Huntsville in the heart of Muskoka. Near the shores of Mary Lake they produce maple syrup and various other maple value added products sold exclusively from the on-site maple shop.
During the “Fall In Love With Maple” Sugarbush Hill will be offering specialty maple products on both Saturdays. These include Maple Vegetarian Chili, Maple Glazed Donuts, Maple Cotton Candy and a Marshmallow Roast from 12-3pm. (While supplies last). Maple Creemees will be offered daily. Also offered daily is the “Maple Heritage Cabin” displaying interesting maple antiques and artifacts. Take a hike in our “Sugarbush Hiking Trail” and see the network of tubing used to collect sap in the springtime.