Huntsville Travel Intentions
& Perceptions Survey
This year, as part of the Huntsville Municipal Accommodation Tax Association COVID-19 Recovery Plan, two surveys from the polling firm PollaraInc were commissioned. These surveys were distributed to the general Ontario population as well as to a database of previous visitors to Huntsville. The purpose of these surveys was to learn about the travel intentions of Ontarians during and post-COVID and to discover insights about the perception the Town of Huntsville has within the Province and in the minds of those who have previously visited. The two surveys have given us some very actionable data –some positive and some less so. We would like to share this summary document of the survey findings to help our entire community understand our position and to be able to market ourselves more effectively to potential travellers.
On Friday November 6, 2020, the Huntsville Municipal Accommodation Tax Association and the Huntsville/Lake of Bays Chamber of Commerce hosted a webinar to discuss the results from the two surveys.