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Partnering Horses with Humans
We use the wisdom of the horse to help people find answers to some of life’s questions in a non-judgmental and safe manner. Clients and students have been able to identify life and educational goals they would like to achieve and identify the obstacles that hold them back; horses can help as they provide insight into navigating obstacles to achieving those goals! Many of the activities help people to build their self confidence, set healthy boundaries and step into their authentic self. Team building with business groups and family members are also offered. People have found relief from anxiety and depression when doing activities with the horse. Mindfulness is a cornerstone of this work and our goal is to assist clients to make positive life changes while tapping into the wisdom of the horse. With the COVID-19 lockdown equine sessions are offered via zoom with horse therapy cards.
Address: 24 Glencairn Crescent, Huntsville, ON P1H 2J4
Phone: 705-380-2680
Website: https://www.equinetherapymuskoka.com/
Email: [email protected]
24 Glencairn Crescent, Huntsville, ON P1H 2J4